
Mirgilus: mirgilus[at]mirgilus[dot]com


Suruni - Ikuus

Suruni – Ikuus (Sun & Moon Records, 2014)

Well, some years have passed since I had so much difficulty reviewing an album! Basically it's impossible to categorize this music, you find elements from various styles but all is played with live instruments by a single guy called Sakari Piisti.

The first song has the exact atmosphere as Primordial`s “A journey's end”, setting a basic path of melancholy on which we move on to even deeper melancholy in the second song, nice little guitar themes and jazzy drums, really pleasant to the ear. No sign of metal yet but this changes with the third song namely “Ikuus”. If you are familiar with the early Utgard demos, you know what I mean! Still it's not that kind of grim and cold metal, it's more atmospheric, could be the soundtrack for a walk in the forest while you are high on mushrooms. “Akana” is the title of the fourth song, in my opinion the most interesting song on the CD. The tempo is middle, slow and the use of harmonica gives it a finishing touch of melancholy.

The next song will guide us even further on this twisted path of Suruni, first comparison which hits me is the early Nocturnal Depression's feeling which I really like!!! It's somehow in a different, more educated and civilized manner though how things happen here, all the parallels are with the feeling not with the music itself. Hate is completely missing from this material which will make it even more enjoyable, the place where this music brings your imagination is not dark, you can ask yourself big questions from various perspectives, you can start to communicate with yourself. This melancholy somehow shows you the real beauty of life, light and feelings.

For me the best moments to listen to this are the late night hours when I just want to relax but still be able to think about things. It gives you enough space to think and the sounds, riffs and other elements which we all heard already somewhere, form a comfortable mix which itself is unique. It's really recommended for all those who are sick and tired to hear the same shit over and over again in today's scene, something new, a fresh breeze into this infested metal swamp. Suruni can bring some light and reason in your miserable life, accept it!!!

by W666, 2014 May, rating: 9/10
