
Mirgilus: mirgilus[at]mirgilus[dot]com


Clandestine Blaze - Harmony of Struggle

Clandestine Blaze - Harmony of Struggle (Northern Heritage, 2013)

The 7th full length release from Mikko Aspa under the moniker of Clandestine Blaze. The same path like the previous “Falling Monuments” album, just more variable musically and more personal by lyrics wise.

Aspa plays that kind of music which is absolutely coming from his black heart, no commercial purpose, no labels stress behind, just pure, dirty, underground black metal with lots of good lyrics, very personal ideas, and subconscious interpretation. “Mankind has grown strong in eternal struggles and it will only perish through eternal peace” this is the main message of “Harmony of Struggle”. The album is a concept album and every track describe the struggle of mankind. The whole album is full with great riffs, good songs, “White Corpse” is a typical fast CB song with Aspa’s  imprecise drum style which is one of the trade-marks of Clandestine Blaze.

“Myth turned alive” slow, mid-tempo style typical CB song with lots of power and hate, the piano part on the end of the track is amazing! “Face of Granite” another typical mid-tempo, military CB song with melodic guitar parts. “Messiah for the dying world” fast, “take no prisoners” type of song with lots of questions, “Cosmic law? The order of it all”…Messiah? Breathing poisonous wrath to dying world of man. Cosmic law? In disbelief of misfortune then have born into”. The “Memento mori” tracks are good envelope interludes between the “normal” CB songs with lots of feeling and nice whispering vocals.

And now we are arrived to the best song of the album “Autumn of Blood and Steel” a slow, rusty, monumental ending song with great riffs and great tempo changes. One of the best CB song ever written. The album ends with “Memento Mori III”: “the overman…who has organized the chaos of his passions, given style to his character, and become creative. Aware of life’s terrors, he affirms life without resentment."

By Mirgilus, 2014 March, rating: 9/10
