
Mirgilus: mirgilus[at]mirgilus[dot]com


Brutal Assault 23 - Hellcome in line-up


This time Brutal Assault goes deeper into the underground with another load of bands for the 2018 edition. Death metal fans can rejoice as we confirm Cannibal Corpse bringing their king size portion of guts, blood and death classics to BA once again. Also, we will welcome British progressive death / black act Akercocke a.k.a. reunited band releasing an excellent comeback album of jaw dropping magnitude.

Regarding classic stuff, Helmet with their trademarked groovy guitar riffs and unrestrained drums filled with easily recognizable voice of Page Hamilton will unleash their post hardcore whirlwind within the fortress for the first time.

Talking about darker stuff, Amalie Bruun’s Myrkur will perform with her atmospheric raw, dissonant blackened riffing combined with vocal efforts leaning closer to the earthy, doomish folk similar to Chelsea Wolfe. Pallbearer, probably the biggest Rush fans in the world, will carry their unique doom metal coffin to BA. And speaking of dark melancholic music, renowned Neurosis-like post hardcore cult Lvmen will perform their latest album Mitgefangen Mitgehangen.

Hardcore fans could appreciate H2O, unrestrained hardcore/punk act that blended Cro-Mags and Agnostic Front with punk drive of Token Entry. Speaking of comebacks, after six years we will welcome metal core whirlwind from Highlands called Bleed From Within. True thrashers will get E-FORCE, with former Voivod members.

Last but not least addition to the lineup? If you are into cold electro beats, then you would dig HORSKH, French duo beating up audience with brutal electro-industrial.
